Plentymarkets interface documentation
Get, create, delete, and update links between shopBuilder contents and layout containers depending on plugin sets and languages.
public getContentLinks($pluginSetId):array
Get all content links for a plugin set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the plugin set to get content links for. |
public getContentLink($contentLinkId):Plenty\Modules\ShopBuilder\Models\ContentLink
Return type: ContentLink
Get a single connection between a content and a layout container.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the content link to get. |
public createContentLink($data):Plenty\Modules\ShopBuilder\Models\ContentLink
Return type: ContentLink
Create a link between a content and a layout container for a specified plugin set and a language.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Content link data to create instance with. |
public updateContentLink($contentLinkId, $data):Plenty\Modules\ShopBuilder\Models\ContentLink
Return type: ContentLink
Update a link between a content and a layout container.
Name |
Type |
Description |
ID of the content link. |
Data to assign to the content link. |
public deleteContentLink($contentLinkId):void
Unlink a content from a layout container. The content itself will remain.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the content link to remove. |
public getContentLinksForContainer($containerName, $pluginSetId = null, $lang = null, $contentType = null, $filterResults = true):void
Get all content links for a specific layout container.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the layout container for which to get content links. |
An ID of a plugin set for which to get content links. Active plugin set will be used by default. |
The language for which to get content links. Current language will be gotten from session if not defined. |
Type of the content to get. |
Contract for content presets. Presets can provide a predefined set of widgets when creating new contents in the shopBuilder.
public getWidgets():void
Get the widget configurations of the presets to be assigned to the created content.
Get, create, delete, und update shopBuilder contents.
public getContents():array
Get all contents with all their widget data.
public searchContents($itemsPerPage = 20, $page = 1, $params = []):Plenty\Repositories\Models\PaginatedResult
Return type: PaginatedResult
Search for contents. Search params are queried conjunctively while values for each params are queried disjunctively:
Name |
Type |
Description |
Maximum number of items to be returned on each page |
Current page |
Search parameters |
public getContent($contentId, $pluginSetId, $frontendLanguage = null, $versionId = ""):Plenty\Modules\ShopBuilder\Models\Content
Return type: Content
Get a single content.
Name |
Type |
Description |
ID of the content to get information for. |
The plugin set ID to be used for rendering widgets. |
The language to be used for rendering the widgets. |
The version of the content. |
public listContentVersions($contentId, $itemsPerPage = 20, $versionIdMarker = ""):void
Get a list of versions of the specified content.
Name |
Type |
Description |
ID of the content to get versions for. |
Number of versions to be displayed at a page. |
ID of a version to get subsequent versions from. |
public restoreContentVersion($contentId, $versionId, $pluginSetId, $frontendLanguage = null):void
Restore a content to a specific version.
Name |
Type |
Description |
ID of the content to restore. |
ID of the version to restore the content to. |
public createContent($pluginSetId, $data, $frontendLanguage = null):Plenty\Modules\ShopBuilder\Models\Content
Return type: Content
Create new content. New content will not be linked to any layout container.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The plugin set to be used to render the content. The raw content data do not depend on a plugin set. |
The raw content data. |
The language to be used for rendering the widgets. |
public updateContent($pluginSetId, $contentId, $data, $frontendLanguage = null):Plenty\Modules\ShopBuilder\Models\Content
Return type: Content
Update content. Metadata, such as the user defined name of the content, will be stored separately to the data of the widgets.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The plugin set to be used to render the content. The raw content data do not depend on a plugin set. |
The ID of the content to be updated. |
The raw data of the content. |
The language to be used for rendering the widgets. |
public deleteContent($pluginSetId, $contentId):void
Delete content. Any connections to layout containers will be removed, too.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The plugin set to be used to render the content. The raw content data do not depend on a plugin set. |
The ID of the content to be deleted. |
public duplicateContent($contentId, $targetPluginSetId, $language, $containerName, $contentName):Plenty\Modules\ShopBuilder\Models\Content
Return type: Content
Duplicate a content and its link.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the content to be duplicated. |
ID of the plugin set to link the duplicated content to. |
Language to link the duplicated content to. |
Name of the layout container to link the duplicated content to. |
Name of the duplicated content. |
public rebuildContents($containerName = null, $pluginSetId):int
Rebuild all contents linked to the current plugin set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Name of the layout container to rebuild contents for. |
ID of the plugin set to rebuild contents for. |
Register shopBuilder widgets.
public registerWidget($widgetClass):void
Register a widget to be available in the shopBuilder.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Widget class to be registered to the shopBuilder. Should implement the Widget interface. |
public overrideWidget($widgetIdentifier, $overrideWidget):void
Override a widget class to extend data or settings of the widget.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The identifier of the original widget to override. |
The class of the new class to get information of the widget from. |
Contract for widgets with dynamic settings
public getData():array
Get base data of the widget. Each widget should define at least an identifier and a label to be displayed in the builder. In total the following information can be provided: <ul> <li>identifier: A unique identifier of the widget. This is used to identify widgets when loading widgets of a content in the builder.</li> <li>label: The label of the widget to be displayed in the list of available widgets in the builder.</li> <li>previewImageURL: The url of the preview image to be displayed in the list of available widgets in the builder.</li> <li>type: The type of the widget. This is used to restrict possible locations of the widgets using the allowedNestingTypes.</li> <li>categories: A list of category keys defined in the list of categories to be displayed in the list of available widgets. If no correspondig category exists, the widget will be located in a generic category.</li> <li>position: The position of the widget in the list of available widgets</li> <li>maxPerPage: Restrict the amount of times the widget can be placed on a single content.</li> <li>allowedNestingTypes: A list of widget types that are allowed to be placed in child dropzones of the widget.</li> <li>deprecated: set to true to hide the widget in the list of available widgets. Existing deprecated widgets can still be edited but not added anymore.</li> </ul>
public getSettings():array
Get the settings of the widgets. Settings are displayed in a terra-form when the widget is selected in the builder.
public getPreview($widgetSettings = [], $children = []):string
Render the template of the widget twice to get the final markup to be displayed in the preview of the builder.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public render($widgetSettings = [], $children = []):string
Render the template of the widget.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Contract for classes handling global settings for the ShopBuilder. Handler classes can be registered in the shopBuilder.json of a plugin.
public readSettings():void
Read values of global settings.
public writeSettings($values):void
Store values of global settings.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Setting values for the global settings defined by this handler. |
Contract for content widgets
public getPreview($widgetSettings = [], $children = []):string
Render the template of the widget twice to get the final markup to be displayed in the preview of the builder.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public render($widgetSettings = [], $children = []):string
Render the template of the widget.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Factory to generate widget settings
public static inherit($parentWidgetClass):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\WidgetSettingsFactory
Return type: WidgetSettingsFactory
Create a new factory instance and initialize values from given widget class.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\WidgetSettingsFactory
Return type: WidgetSettingsFactory
Create a new factory instance with initial values.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public createSetting($key, $settingsFactory = "", $args = []):void
Create a generic widget settings entry.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The key of the new settings entry. If key already exists, previous entry will be overridden. |
Class name of the settings factory to add an instance of |
Arguments to be passed to the factory constructor method |
public toArray():array
Generate settings data from all registered factories
public withPointer($key):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\WidgetSettingsFactory
Return type: WidgetSettingsFactory
Set a settings key to insert new settings after.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public addSetting($key, $setting):void
Insert a new settings factory at the current pointer.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Helper to map global configurations to plugin configs.
Get information about the current request made from the shop builder preview.
public isShopBuilder():bool
Determine if the current request is made from the shop builder preview or while rendering a widget via REST.
public getPreviewContentType():string
Get the type of the previewed shop builder content.
public getPreviewUri():void
Get uri of the current preview. This might be used when rendering widgets via REST to know the context where the widget will be placed into after rendering.
public getMainContentType():string
Get the content type of the currently displayed main content.
public setMainContentType($mainContentType):void
Set the type of the currently displayed item content This will be used to determine the corresponding header/footer contents which are linked to a specific type.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Possible values: <ul> <li>content</li> <li>checkout</li> <li>myaccount</li> <li>singleitem</li> <li>categoryitem</li> <li>itemsearch</li> <li>itemset</li> </ul> |
public getMainContainerName():string
Get the container name where the main content will be loaded into.
public setMainContainerName($mainContainerName):void
Set the container name where the main content will be loaded into.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Name of the layout container. |
public setMainCategory($mainCategory):void
Set the id of the currently displayed category.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Id of the currently displayed category. |
Content created by the shop builder. May be linked to layout containers.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
The ID of the content |
dataProviderName |
The name of the data provider |
createdAt |
The date when the content was created |
updatedAt |
The date when the content was last updated |
type |
The type of the content |
widgets |
The configured widgets of the content. This attribute is deprecated. Use $dropzones instead. |
dropzones |
Dropzones of the content |
link |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
Links a content from the shop builder to a layout container of the frontend plugin.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
The ID of the content link |
contentId |
The ID of the content |
containerName |
The name of the container |
pluginSetId |
The Id of the plugin set |
language |
The language where the content is linked to. |
active |
Indicates if the link is active and the content should be visible for the frontend. |
relatedContentType |
The content type the content is linked to |
relatedContainerName |
The container name the content is linked to |
inherit |
Indicates if this content should be inherited to child contents. |
invalid |
Indicate if the content is invalid and should be regenerated on next request. |
createdAt |
The date when the content was created |
updatedAt |
The date when the content was last updated |
content |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
A content page provided by a frontend plugin.
Name | Type | Description |
identifier |
The identifier of the content page |
caption |
Translation key to read the caption from |
dropzones |
Available dropzones of this page to put contents into. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
Layout container of a content page where to display link contents generated by the shop builder.
Name | Type | Description |
container |
The container where dropped contents should be linked to. |
type |
The type of contents which can be linked to this dropzone. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
Content widget provided by a frontend plugin
Name | Type | Description |
identifier |
The identifier of the content widget |
widgetClass |
The class of the content widget |
label |
The label of the content widget |
tooltip |
The tooltip of the content widget |
previewImageURL |
The preview image the content widget |
type |
The type of the widget |
maxPerPage |
Maximum occurrences per content of the widget |
categories |
List of categories |
allowedNestingTypes |
Allowed types to be nested inside this widget |
settings |
The settings of the content widget |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
Base class for data field providers.
public register():void
Register data fields and child providers.
public addField($identifier, $label, $expression, $isBlockElement = false, $isDeprecated = false):void
Register a new data field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Unique identifier of the data field |
The label of the field |
The twig expression to be inserted by this field |
Set to true to handle the element as a block element |
Deprecated flag for fields |
public addChildProvider($label, $childProviderClass, $params = [], $identifier = ""):void
Register a nested provider containing a list of child data fields.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the group |
The class name of the nested data fields provider. |
Additional parameters to be passed to provider constructor method. |
Data field identifier, class name will be used if empty |
public addSearchKeywords($identifier, $keywords = []):void
Assign keywords to a field to be respected during search.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The identifier of the field to assign keywords to. |
A list of keywords. Each keyword may contain a translation key. A single keyword could be a comma separated list of words. |
Common factory to generate properties of a widget setting definition.
Name | Type | Description |
data |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a category picker in the widget settings.
Return type: CategorySettingFactory
Display or hide a button to reset the current selection.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDisplaySearch($displaySearch):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\CategorySettingFactory
Return type: CategorySettingFactory
Display or hide an input to search for categories with.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withShowFullSelectionPath($showFullSelectionPath):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\CategorySettingFactory
Return type: CategorySettingFactory
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a checkbox group in the widget settings.
public withCollapsed($collapsed):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\CheckboxGroupSettingFactory
Return type: CheckboxGroupSettingFactory
Collapse or expand the group by default. The group can be toggled by the user.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withCheckboxValues($checkboxValues):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\CheckboxGroupSettingFactory
Return type: CheckboxGroupSettingFactory
Set available checkboxes of the group.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\CheckboxGroupSettingFactory
Return type: CheckboxGroupSettingFactory
Set the default value of the group. This should be an array of values.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a checkbox in the widget settings.
public withIcon($icon):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\CheckboxSettingFactory
Return type: CheckboxSettingFactory
Set the icon of the checkbox.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a container for nested settings.
public static create($data = []):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\ContainerSettingFactory
Return type: ContainerSettingFactory
Create a new factory instance with initial value.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public toArray():array
Get all children as a native array
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
Factory to define a date picker in the widget settings.
public withCalendarTop($isCalendarTop):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\DateSettingFactory
Return type: DateSettingFactory
Display the popup containing the calendar above or below the input field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDisplayDateFormat($format):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\DateSettingFactory
Return type: DateSettingFactory
Set the date format to apply to the input field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a number input in the widget settings.
public withPriceInput($isPriceInput):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\DoubleSettingFactory
Return type: DoubleSettingFactory
Define if input expects a monetary value.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDecimalCount($decimalCount):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\DoubleSettingFactory
Return type: DoubleSettingFactory
Set the number of decimal places for the input.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a file input in the widget settings.
public withShowPreview($showPreview):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\FileSettingFactory
Return type: FileSettingFactory
Display the preview of the selected file.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withAllowedExtensions($allowedExtensions):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\FileSettingFactory
Return type: FileSettingFactory
Restrict allowed file extensions.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withFoldersAllowed($foldersAllowed):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\FileSettingFactory
Return type: FileSettingFactory
Set to true if the user should be allowed to create new folders.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a group of radio buttons in the widget settings.
public withRadioValues($radioValues):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\RadioGroupSettingFactory
Return type: RadioGroupSettingFactory
Set the available radio buttons in this group.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a selection input in the widget settings.
public withOpenOnTop($openOnTop):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\SelectSettingFactory
Return type: SelectSettingFactory
Set to true to open selection values above the input field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withListBoxValues($listBoxValues):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\SelectSettingFactory
Return type: SelectSettingFactory
Set available selection values.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a slider in the widget settings.
public withMin($min):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\SliderSettingFactory
Return type: SliderSettingFactory
Set the minimum value of the slider.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withMax($max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\SliderSettingFactory
Return type: SliderSettingFactory
Set the maximum value of the slider.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withInterval($interval):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\SliderSettingFactory
Return type: SliderSettingFactory
Set the interval between the values of the slider.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withPrecision($precision):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\SliderSettingFactory
Return type: SliderSettingFactory
Set the number of decimal places of the value.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withShowMinMax($showMinMax):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\SliderSettingFactory
Return type: SliderSettingFactory
Set to true to display the minimum and maximum values at each end of the slider.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withShowTicks($showTicks):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\SliderSettingFactory
Return type: SliderSettingFactory
Set to true to display ticks on each value.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define an input with suggestions in the widget settings.
public withListBoxValues($listBoxValues):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\SuggestionSettingFactory
Return type: SuggestionSettingFactory
Set available values.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a text input in the widget settings.
public withPassword($isPassword):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\TextSettingFactory
Return type: TextSettingFactory
Set to true if the input field should be handled as a password input
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withReadonly($isReadonly):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\TextSettingFactory
Return type: TextSettingFactory
Set to true if input field should be readonly.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define a textarea in the widget settings.
public withFixedHeight($isFixedHeight):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\TextareaSettingFactory
Return type: TextareaSettingFactory
Set to true if the height should be fixed.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withMaxRows($maxRows):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\TextareaSettingFactory
Return type: TextareaSettingFactory
Set the maximum number of rows for the textarea.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Factory to define an url picker in the widget settings.
public withInternalLinks($internalLinks):Plenty\Modules\ShopBuilder\Factories\Settings\UrlSettingFactory
Return type: UrlSettingFactory
Name |
Type |
Description |
public static create($data = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withType($type):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the type of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withDefaultValue($defaultValue):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the default value for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default value |
public withCondition($condition):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a condition if the setting should be visible or not.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Condition if the related form element should be visible or not. |
public withName($name):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set the name of the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The label of the setting |
public withOption($key, $value):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set an option for the setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The option key |
The option value |
public withTooltip($tooltip):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Set a tooltip text for this input
Name |
Type |
Description |
An additional description of the setting |
public withTooltipPlacement($tooltipPlacement):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Define the tooltip placement. Possible values are 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', default is 'top'
Name |
Type |
Description |
public withList($min, $max):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\BaseSettingFactory
Return type: BaseSettingFactory
Determines whether the declaration is used to render a list of the specified form field.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Minimum number of entries. |
Maximum number of entries. If not set or smaller than 0, unlimited entries might be added by the user. |
public toArray():array
Get all data as array
Create a list of values to be used by settings with multiple predefined values.
public static make():Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\ValueListFactory
Return type: ValueListFactory
Create a new factory instance.
public addEntry($value, $caption):Plenty\Modules\ContentBuilder\Factories\Settings\ValueListFactory
Return type: ValueListFactory
Add an entry to the list of values
Name |
Type |
Description |
public toArray():void
Get all values.