Plentymarkets interface documentation
The contract for the fitment repository.
public get($id):Plenty\Modules\Market\Credentials\Models\Credentials
Return type: Credentials
Get credentials
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the credentials. |
public create($data):Plenty\Modules\Market\Credentials\Models\Credentials
Return type: Credentials
Create credentials
Name |
Type |
Description |
The credentials data. The properties that are required to update credentials can be found in the credentials model. |
public update($id, $data):Plenty\Modules\Market\Credentials\Models\Credentials
Return type: Credentials
Update credentials
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the credentials. |
The credentials data. The properties that are required to update credentials can be found in the credentials model. |
public delete($id):Plenty\Repositories\Models\DeleteResponse
Return type: DeleteResponse
Delete credentials
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the credentials. |
public all($filters = []):array
List all credentials
Name |
Type |
Description |
Credentials can be filtered by ID, market, status, environment. |
public search($filters = [], $page, $itemsPerPage = \Plenty\Modules\Market\Credentials\Models\Credentials::MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE):Plenty\Repositories\Models\PaginatedResult
Return type: PaginatedResult
List credentials
Name |
Type |
Description |
Credentials can be filtered by ID, market, status, environment. |
Current page of the response. |
The requested amount of credentials per result page. |
public clearCriteria():void
Resets all Criteria filters by creating a new instance of the builder object.
public applyCriteriaFromFilters():void
Applies criteria classes to the current repository.
public setFilters($filters = []):void
Sets the filter array.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getFilters():void
Returns the filter array.
public getConditions():void
Returns a collection of parsed filters as Condition object
public clearFilters():void
Clears the filter array.
The credentials model
Name | Type | Description |
id |
The ID of the credentials. |
environment |
The environment for the credentials. Possible values: sandbox, production |
status |
The status of the credentials. Possible values: active, inactive, pending |
data |
The data of the credentials. |
market |
The market for the current credentials. |
createdAt |
The date that the credentials was created. |
updatedAt |
The date that the credentials was updated last. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The contract for the eBay fulfillment policy repository.
public create($data):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\FulfillmentPolicy
Return type: FulfillmentPolicy
Creates a new fulfillment policy.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public get($id, $filters = []):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\FulfillmentPolicy
Return type: FulfillmentPolicy
Get a stored fulfillment policy based on ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the policy that we want to get |
A list of filters that are needed to get the corresponding policy. Available: `marketplaceId´, `credentialsId´. |
public getPolicies($credentialsId, $marketplaceId):array
Get a stored fulfillment policy based on credentials & marketplace ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the account credentials |
The eBay marketplace id |
public update($id, $data):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\FulfillmentPolicy
Return type: FulfillmentPolicy
Updates a new fulfillment policy.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public delete($id, $data):bool
Deletes a fulfillment policy.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public deleteBulk($userId, $marketId):bool
Deletes fulfillment policies.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The contract for the eBay payment policy repository.
public create($data):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\PaymentPolicy
Return type: PaymentPolicy
Creates a new payment policy.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public get($id, $filters = []):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\PaymentPolicy
Return type: PaymentPolicy
Get a stored payment policy based on ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the payment policy. |
A list of filters that are needed to get the corresponding policy. Available: `marketplaceId´, `credentialsId´. |
public getPolicies($credentialsId, $marketplaceId):array
Get a stored fulfillment policy based on credentials & marketplace ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the account credentials |
The eBay marketplace id |
public update($id, $data):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\PaymentPolicy
Return type: PaymentPolicy
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the payment policy. |
The payment policy data |
public delete($id, $data):bool
Deletes a payment policy.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public deleteBulk($userId, $marketId):bool
Deletes payment policies.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The contract for the eBay productCompliance policy repository.
public create($data, $marketplaceId):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ProductCompliancePolicy
Return type: ProductCompliancePolicy
Creates a new productCompliance policy.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public get($id, $filters = []):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ProductCompliancePolicy
Return type: ProductCompliancePolicy
Get a stored productCompliance policy based on ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the policy that we want to get |
A list of filters that are needed to get the corresponding policy. Available: `marketplaceId´, `credentialsId´. |
public update($id, $data, $marketplaceId):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ProductCompliancePolicy
Return type: ProductCompliancePolicy
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the productCompliance policy. |
The productCompliance policy data |
The eBay marketplace id |
public deleteBulk($userId, $marketId):bool
Deletes productCompliance policies.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getPolicies($credentialsId, $marketplaceId):array
Get a stored productCompliance policy based on credentials & marketplace ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the account credentials |
The eBay marketplace id |
public getPolicy($credentialsId, $marketplaceId, $policyId):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ProductCompliancePolicy
Return type: ProductCompliancePolicy
Get a stored productCompliance policy based on policy ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the account credentials |
The eBay marketplace id |
The ID of the policy |
The contract for the eBay return policy repository.
public create($data):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ReturnPolicy
Return type: ReturnPolicy
Creates a new return policy.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public get($id, $filters = []):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ReturnPolicy
Return type: ReturnPolicy
Get a stored return policy based on ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the policy that we want to get |
A list of filters that are needed to get the corresponding policy. Available: `marketplaceId´, `credentialsId´. |
public update($id, $data):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ReturnPolicy
Return type: ReturnPolicy
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the return policy. |
The payment policy data |
public delete($id, $data):bool
Deletes a return policy.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public deleteBulk($userId, $marketId):bool
Deletes return policies.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getPolicies($credentialsId, $marketplaceId):array
Get a stored fulfillment policy based on credentials & marketplace ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the account credentials |
The eBay marketplace id |
The contract for the eBay takeBack policy repository.
public create($data, $marketplaceId):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\TakeBackPolicy
Return type: TakeBackPolicy
Creates a new takeBack policy.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public get($id, $filters = []):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\TakeBackPolicy
Return type: TakeBackPolicy
Get a stored takeBack policy based on ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the policy that we want to get |
A list of filters that are needed to get the corresponding policy. Available: `marketplaceId´, `credentialsId´. |
public update($id, $data, $marketplaceId):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\TakeBackPolicy
Return type: TakeBackPolicy
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the takeBack policy. |
The takeBack policy data |
The eBay marketplace id |
public deleteBulk($userId, $marketId):bool
Deletes takeBack policies.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getPolicies($credentialsId, $marketplaceId):array
Get stored takeBack policies based on credentials & marketplace ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the account credentials |
The eBay marketplace id |
public getPolicy($credentialsId, $marketplaceId, $policyId):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\TakeBackPolicy
Return type: TakeBackPolicy
Get a stored takeBack policy based on policy ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the account credentials |
The eBay marketplace id |
The ID of the policy |
An event class fired after a new fulfillment policy is created.
public __construct($fulfillmentPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getFulfillmentPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\FulfillmentPolicy
Return type: FulfillmentPolicy
Get the FulfillmentPolicy instance.
An event class fired after a new fulfillment policy is deleted.
public __construct($fulfillmentPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getFulfillmentPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\FulfillmentPolicy
Return type: FulfillmentPolicy
Get the FulfillmentPolicy instance.
A base event class for all fulfillment policy events. Each fulfillment policy events expects an FulfillmentPolicy model.
public __construct($fulfillmentPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getFulfillmentPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\FulfillmentPolicy
Return type: FulfillmentPolicy
Get the FulfillmentPolicy instance.
An event class fired after a new fulfillment policy is updated.
public __construct($fulfillmentPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getFulfillmentPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\FulfillmentPolicy
Return type: FulfillmentPolicy
Get the FulfillmentPolicy instance.
An event class fired after a new payment policy is created.
public __construct($paymentPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getPaymentPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\PaymentPolicy
Return type: PaymentPolicy
Get the PaymentPolicy instance.
An event class fired after a new payment policy is deleted.
public __construct($paymentPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getPaymentPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\PaymentPolicy
Return type: PaymentPolicy
Get the PaymentPolicy instance.
A base event class for all payment policy events. Each payment policy events expects an PaymentPolicy model.
public __construct($paymentPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getPaymentPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\PaymentPolicy
Return type: PaymentPolicy
Get the PaymentPolicy instance.
An event class fired after a new payment policy is updated.
public __construct($paymentPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getPaymentPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\PaymentPolicy
Return type: PaymentPolicy
Get the PaymentPolicy instance.
An event class fired after a new product compliance policy is created.
public __construct($productCompliancePolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getProductCompliancePolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ProductCompliancePolicy
Return type: ProductCompliancePolicy
Get the ProductCompliancePolicy instance.
A base event class for all product compliance policy events. Each product compliance policy event expects a ProductCompliancePolicy model.
public __construct($productCompliancePolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getProductCompliancePolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ProductCompliancePolicy
Return type: ProductCompliancePolicy
Get the ProductCompliancePolicy instance.
An event class fired after a product compliance policy is updated.
public __construct($productCompliancePolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getProductCompliancePolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ProductCompliancePolicy
Return type: ProductCompliancePolicy
Get the ProductCompliancePolicy instance.
An event class fired after a new return policy is created.
public __construct($returnPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getReturnPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ReturnPolicy
Return type: ReturnPolicy
Get the ReturnPolicy instance.
An event class fired after a new return policy is deleted.
public __construct($returnPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getReturnPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ReturnPolicy
Return type: ReturnPolicy
Get the ReturnPolicy instance.
A base event class for all return policy events. Each return policy events expects an ReturnPolicy model.
public __construct($returnPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getReturnPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ReturnPolicy
Return type: ReturnPolicy
Get the ReturnPolicy instance.
An event class fired after a new return policy is updated.
public __construct($returnPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getReturnPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\ReturnPolicy
Return type: ReturnPolicy
Get the ReturnPolicy instance.
An event class fired after a new take back policy is created.
public __construct($takeBackPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getTakeBackPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\TakeBackPolicy
Return type: TakeBackPolicy
Get the TakeBackPolicy instance.
A base event class for all take back policy events. Each take back policy event expects a TakeBackPolicy model.
public __construct($takeBackPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getTakeBackPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\TakeBackPolicy
Return type: TakeBackPolicy
Get the TakeBackPolicy instance.
An event class fired after a take back policy is updated.
public __construct($takeBackPolicy):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getTakeBackPolicy():Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\AccountPolicy\Models\TakeBackPolicy
Return type: TakeBackPolicy
Get the TakeBackPolicy instance.
The eBay amount type model
Name | Type | Description |
currency |
The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. The currency is represented as a 3-letter ISO4217 currency code. For example, the code for the Canadian Dollar is CAD. |
value |
The value of the monetary amount in the specified currency. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay category type model
Name | Type | Description |
default |
If this value is set to true, it indicates that this policy is the default policy for the associated and marketplaceId pair |
name |
The category type to which the policy applies (motor vehicles or non-motor vehicles). Available values: |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay deposit model
Name | Type | Description |
amount |
Deposits are used only with Motors listings and the amount value indicates the initial deposit that a buyer must make to purchase a motor vehicle. Deposits on motor vehicles can only be paid using PayPal, so if you specify a deposit amount, then you must also set the paymetMethodType value to 'PayPal'. |
dueIn |
Indicates the number of hours the buyer has (after they commit to buy) to make an initial deposit to the seller as a down payment on a motor vehicle. |
paymentMethods |
A list of accepted payment methods. For deposits (which are applicable to only motor listings), the paymentMethodType must be set to 'PayPal' |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay fulfillment policy model
Name | Type | Description |
fulfillmentPolicyId |
The ID of the fulfillment policy. |
categoryTypes |
The CategoryTypeEnum value to which this policy applies. Used to discern accounts that sell motor vehicles from those that don’t. (Currently, each policy can be set to only one categoryTypes value at a time.) |
description |
An optional seller-defined description of the fulfillment policy. |
freightShipping |
Set this value to true to indicate the seller offers freight shipping. |
globalShipping |
If this value is set to true, it indicates the seller has opted-in to the eBay Global Shipping Program and that they use that service for thier internation shipments. |
handlingTime |
Specifies the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing and shipping an order after receiving a cleared payment for the order. |
localPickup |
If this value is set to true, it indicates the seller offers local pickup of their items. |
marketplaceId |
The ID of the eBay marketplace to which this fulfillment policy applies. If this value is not specified, value defaults to the seller’s eBay registration site. |
name |
A user-defined name for this fulfillment policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace. |
pickupDropOff |
If this value is set to true, it indicates the seller offers the "Click and Collect" feature. |
shippingOptions |
A list that defines the seller’s shipping configurations for DOMESTIC and INTERNATIONAL order shipments. |
shipToLocations |
This object contains the regionIncluded and regionExcluded fields, which indicate the areas to where the seller does and dosen’t ship. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay payment method model
Name | Type | Description |
brands |
A list of credit card brands accepted by the seller. This field is required if the paymentMethodType is set to CREDIT_CARD. |
paymentMethodType |
The payment method, selected from the supported payment method types.. |
recipientAccountReference |
Information that is used to identify the recipient’s account to which electronic funds are sent. This field is required if the payment method is set to PAYPAL, and the field must contain the email address associated with the PayPal account selected by the seller. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay payment policy model
Name | Type | Description |
paymentPolicyId |
The ID of the payment policy. |
categoryTypes |
The CategoryTypeEnum value to which this policy applies. The category type discerns whether the policy covers the sale of motor vehicles (via eBay Motors), or the sale of everything except motor vehicles. |
deposit |
A container that describes the details of a deposit. Used only with motor listings. |
description |
An optional seller-defined description of the payment policy. (Max length: 250) |
fullPaymentDueIn |
Indicates the number of days that a buyer has to make their full payment to the seller, and close the remaining balance on a motor vehicle transaction. The period starts when the buyer commits to buy. |
immediatePay |
Indicate if the payment is due upon receipt or not. (eBay generates a receipt when the buyer agrees to purchase an item) |
marketplaceId |
The ID of the eBay marketplace to which this return policy applies. If this value is not specified, value defaults to the seller’s eBay registration site. |
name |
A user-defined name for this payment policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace. (Max length: 64) |
paymentInstructions |
Allows the seller to give payment instructions to the buyer. These instructions appear on the eBay View Item and Checkout pages. |
paymentMethods |
A list of the payment methods accepted by the seller. Each payment policy must specify at least one payment method. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay productCompliance policy model
Name | Type | Description |
customPolicyId |
The ID of the custom productCompliance policy. |
description |
An optional seller-defined description of the productCompliance policy. (Max length: 250) |
policyType |
The type of the productCompliance policy. Should always be "PRODUCT_COMPLIANCE". |
name |
A user-defined name for this productCompliance policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace. (Max length: 64) |
label |
A user-defined name for this productCompliance policy on eBay. (Max length: 64) |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay recipient account reference model
Name | Type | Description |
referenceId |
The recipient’s reference. |
referenceType |
The reference type of a recipient’s account. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay region model
Name | Type | Description |
regionName |
A string that indicates the name of a region, as defined by eBay. A "region" can be either a 'world region' (e.g., the "Middle East" or "Southeast Asia") or a country, as represented with a two-letter country code. |
regionType |
Available values: |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay region set model
Name | Type | Description |
regionExcluded |
A list of one or more regionsName fields that specify the areas to where a seller does not ship. Populate regionExcluded in only the top-level shipToLocations container. |
regionIncluded |
A list of one or more regionsName fields that specify the areas to where a seller ships. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay return policy model
Name | Type | Description |
returnPolicyId |
The ID of the return policy. |
categoryTypes |
For return policies, this field can be set to only `ALL_EXCLUDING_MOTORS_VEHICLES (returns on motor vehicles are not processed through eBay flows.) |
description |
An optional seller-defined description of the return policy. |
extendedHolidayReturnsOffered |
If this value is set to true, it indicates the seller offers an Extended Holiday Returns policy for their listings. |
marketplaceId |
The ID of the eBay marketplace to which this return policy applies. If this value is not specified, value defaults to the seller’s eBay registration site. |
name |
A user-defined name for this fulfillment policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace. |
refundMethod |
Indicates the method the seller uses to compensate the buyer for returned items. The return method specified applies only to remorse returns. Available options: |
restockingFeePercentage |
Sellers who accept returns should include this field if they charge buyers a restocking fee when items are returned. |
returnInstruction |
This optional free-form string field lets the seller provide a detailed explanation of the return policy. |
returnInstructions |
This optional free-form string field lets the seller provide a detailed explanation of the return policy. |
returnMethod |
This field indicates the method in which the seller handles non-money back return requests for remorse returns. Sellers can specify they either exchange or replace items. Available options: |
returnPeriod |
This value indicates the length of time the seller accepts returns, the duration of which starts when the buyer receives the item. |
returnsAccepted |
Set this value to true to indicate the seller accepts returns. |
returnShippingCostPayer |
The seller uses this value to specify whether the buyer or the seller is responsible for paying return shipping charges. The field can be set to either |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay shipping option model
Name | Type | Description |
costType |
Defines whether the shipping cost is |
insuranceFee |
Sellers can offer international shipping insurance only when they ship to AU, FR, or IT. This value indicates the cost the buyer must pay to purchase shipping insurance for the items being shipped. |
insuranceOffered |
When set to true, it indicates the seller offers shipping insurance. |
optionType |
Use this field to set the ShippingOption element to either |
packageHandlingCost |
A fee a seller can add to cover package and handling costs. This fee is in addition to the amount of the selected shipping service and this fee is included in the final shipping service costs in the output. |
rateTableId |
A unique eBay-assigned ID associated with a user-created shipping rate table. |
shippingServices |
Contains a list of shipping services offered for either |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay shipping service model
Name | Type | Description |
additionalShippingCost |
The cost of shipping each additional item if the same buyer purchases a multiple quantity of the same line item. This field is applicable for policies that cover multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings and is not applicable for policies that apply to single-quantity listings. |
buyerResponsibleForPickup |
This field is only applicable to vehicle categories on eBay Motors (US and Canada). If set to true, the buyer is responsible for picking up the vehicle. Otherwise, the seller should specify the vehicle pickup arrangements in the item description. |
buyerResponsibleForShipping |
This field is applicable for only items listed in vehicle categories on eBay Motors (US and Canada). If set to true, the buyer is responsible for the shipment of the vehicle. Otherwise, the seller should specify the vehicle shipping arrangements in the item description. |
cashOnDeliveryFee |
The value indicates the Cash on Delivery (COD) fee that the seller charges if the buyer uses the CASH_ON_DELIVERY payment method. |
freeShipping |
The seller can set this flag to true if they want to offer free shipping to the buyer. This field can only be included and set to 'true' for the first domestic shipping service option specified in the shippingServices container |
shippingCarrierCode |
The shipping carrier, such as 'USPS', 'FedEx', 'UPS', and so on. |
shippingCost |
For shipping options that use a FLAT_RATE cost type, the amount is the shipping cost for the selected shipping carrier and service. The amount supplied must exclude any additional shipping charges (such as the seller’s handling charges or insurance). |
shippingServiceCode |
The shipping service that the shipping carrier uses to ship an item. For example, an overnight, two-day delivery, or other type of service. |
shipToLocations |
This object contains the regionIncluded and regionExcluded fields that define the list of geographical regions that the seller ships to and the list of regions where they do not ship. |
sortOrder |
This integer value controls the order that this shipping service option appears in the View Item and Checkout pages, as related to the other specified shipping service options. |
surcharge |
A fee that can be charged to US buyers when they have an item shipped via UPS or FedEx to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay takeBack policy model
Name | Type | Description |
customPolicyId |
The ID of the custom takeBack policy. |
description |
An optional seller-defined description of the takeBack policy. (Max length: 250) |
policyType |
The type of the takeBack policy. Should always be "TAKE_BACK". |
name |
A user-defined name for this takeBack policy. Names must be unique for policies assigned to the same marketplace. (Max length: 64) |
label |
A user-defined name for this takeBack policy on eBay. (Max length: 64) |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The eBay time duration model
Name | Type | Description |
unit |
A time-measurement unit used to specify a period of time. Available values: |
value |
An amount of time, as measured by the time-measurement units specified in the unit field. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
public getMessage():void
public getCode():void
public getFile():void
public getLine():void
public getTrace():void
public getPrevious():void
public getTraceAsString():void
The service for making eBay REST calls.
public __construct($config):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Configuration option values. |
public static getConfigDefinitions():array
Returns definitions for each configuration option that is supported.
public getConfig($option = null, $default = null):void
Method to get the service's configuration.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the option whos value will be returned. |
public callOperation($name, $request = null):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\Api\Types\BaseType
Return type: BaseType
Build API request and send.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the operation. |
Request object containing the request information. |
public getEbayHeaders():array
Derived classes must implement this method that will build the needed eBay http headers.
The service for making eBay WSDL calls.
public __construct($config):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Configuration option values. |
public static getConfigDefinitions():array
Returns definitions for each configuration option that is supported.
public getConfig($option = null, $default = null):void
Method to get the service's configuration.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the option whos value will be returned. |
public callOperation($name, $request, $responseClass):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\Api\Types\BaseType
Return type: BaseType
Build API request and send.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the operation. |
Request object containing the request information. |
The name of the PHP class that will be created from the XML response. |
public getEbayHeaders($operationName):array
Derived classes must implement this method that will build the needed eBay http headers.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the operation been called. |
The service for eBay Base64BinaryType.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
xmlNamespaces |
requestXmlRootElementNames |
public __construct($values = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Optional properties and values to assign to the object. |
public static getParentValues($properties, $values):array
Helper function to remove the properties and values that belong to a object's parent.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public __get($name):void
PHP magic function that is called when getting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __set($name, $value):void
PHP magic function that is called when setting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
Value assigned to the property. |
public __isset($name):bool
PHP magic function that is called to determine if a property is set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __unset($name):void
PHP magic function that is called to unset a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public toRequestXml():string
Converts the object to a XML request string.
public elementMeta($elementName):void
Returns the meta data for a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The element name. |
public attachment($data = null, $mimeType = "application/octet-stream"):void
Method to get or set the object's attachment. Overrides any existing attachment is setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
If a string it is assumed to be the contents of the attachment. If an array copy its values across. |
The MIME type of the attachment that will be used in the request. Defaults to application/octet-stream. |
public hasAttachment():bool
Helper method to check if an object has an attachment.
public toArray():array
Helper method that returns an associative array of the object's properties and values.
public search($expression):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
A valid JMESPath expression |
public setValues($class, $values = []):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the class the properties belong to. |
Associative array of property names and their values. |
The service for base type.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
xmlNamespaces |
requestXmlRootElementNames |
public __construct($values = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Can pass an associative array that will set the objects properties. |
public __get($name):void
PHP magic function that is called when getting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __set($name, $value):void
PHP magic function that is called when setting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
Value assigned to the property. |
public __isset($name):bool
PHP magic function that is called to determine if a property is set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __unset($name):void
PHP magic function that is called to unset a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public toRequestXml():string
Converts the object to a XML request string.
public elementMeta($elementName):void
Returns the meta data for a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The element name. |
public attachment($data = null, $mimeType = "application/octet-stream"):void
Method to get or set the object's attachment. Overrides any existing attachment is setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
If a string it is assumed to be the contents of the attachment. If an array copy its values across. |
The MIME type of the attachment that will be used in the request. Defaults to application/octet-stream. |
public hasAttachment():bool
Helper method to check if an object has an attachment.
public toArray():array
Helper method that returns an associative array of the object's properties and values.
public search($expression):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
A valid JMESPath expression |
public setValues($class, $values = []):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the class the properties belong to. |
Associative array of property names and their values. |
public static getParentValues($properties, $values):array
Helper function to remove the properties and values that belong to a object's parent.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The service for boolean type.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
xmlNamespaces |
requestXmlRootElementNames |
public __construct($values = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Optional properties and values to assign to the object. |
public static getParentValues($properties, $values):array
Helper function to remove the properties and values that belong to a object's parent.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public __get($name):void
PHP magic function that is called when getting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __set($name, $value):void
PHP magic function that is called when setting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
Value assigned to the property. |
public __isset($name):bool
PHP magic function that is called to determine if a property is set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __unset($name):void
PHP magic function that is called to unset a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public toRequestXml():string
Converts the object to a XML request string.
public elementMeta($elementName):void
Returns the meta data for a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The element name. |
public attachment($data = null, $mimeType = "application/octet-stream"):void
Method to get or set the object's attachment. Overrides any existing attachment is setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
If a string it is assumed to be the contents of the attachment. If an array copy its values across. |
The MIME type of the attachment that will be used in the request. Defaults to application/octet-stream. |
public hasAttachment():bool
Helper method to check if an object has an attachment.
public toArray():array
Helper method that returns an associative array of the object's properties and values.
public search($expression):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
A valid JMESPath expression |
public setValues($class, $values = []):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the class the properties belong to. |
Associative array of property names and their values. |
The service for decimal type.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
xmlNamespaces |
requestXmlRootElementNames |
public __construct($values = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Optional properties and values to assign to the object. |
public static getParentValues($properties, $values):array
Helper function to remove the properties and values that belong to a object's parent.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public __get($name):void
PHP magic function that is called when getting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __set($name, $value):void
PHP magic function that is called when setting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
Value assigned to the property. |
public __isset($name):bool
PHP magic function that is called to determine if a property is set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __unset($name):void
PHP magic function that is called to unset a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public toRequestXml():string
Converts the object to a XML request string.
public elementMeta($elementName):void
Returns the meta data for a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The element name. |
public attachment($data = null, $mimeType = "application/octet-stream"):void
Method to get or set the object's attachment. Overrides any existing attachment is setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
If a string it is assumed to be the contents of the attachment. If an array copy its values across. |
The MIME type of the attachment that will be used in the request. Defaults to application/octet-stream. |
public hasAttachment():bool
Helper method to check if an object has an attachment.
public toArray():array
Helper method that returns an associative array of the object's properties and values.
public search($expression):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
A valid JMESPath expression |
public setValues($class, $values = []):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the class the properties belong to. |
Associative array of property names and their values. |
The service for double type.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
xmlNamespaces |
requestXmlRootElementNames |
public __construct($values = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Optional properties and values to assign to the object. |
public static getParentValues($properties, $values):array
Helper function to remove the properties and values that belong to a object's parent.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public __get($name):void
PHP magic function that is called when getting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __set($name, $value):void
PHP magic function that is called when setting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
Value assigned to the property. |
public __isset($name):bool
PHP magic function that is called to determine if a property is set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __unset($name):void
PHP magic function that is called to unset a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public toRequestXml():string
Converts the object to a XML request string.
public elementMeta($elementName):void
Returns the meta data for a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The element name. |
public attachment($data = null, $mimeType = "application/octet-stream"):void
Method to get or set the object's attachment. Overrides any existing attachment is setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
If a string it is assumed to be the contents of the attachment. If an array copy its values across. |
The MIME type of the attachment that will be used in the request. Defaults to application/octet-stream. |
public hasAttachment():bool
Helper method to check if an object has an attachment.
public toArray():array
Helper method that returns an associative array of the object's properties and values.
public search($expression):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
A valid JMESPath expression |
public setValues($class, $values = []):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the class the properties belong to. |
Associative array of property names and their values. |
The service for integer type.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
xmlNamespaces |
requestXmlRootElementNames |
public __construct($values = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Optional properties and values to assign to the object. |
public static getParentValues($properties, $values):array
Helper function to remove the properties and values that belong to a object's parent.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public __get($name):void
PHP magic function that is called when getting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __set($name, $value):void
PHP magic function that is called when setting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
Value assigned to the property. |
public __isset($name):bool
PHP magic function that is called to determine if a property is set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __unset($name):void
PHP magic function that is called to unset a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public toRequestXml():string
Converts the object to a XML request string.
public elementMeta($elementName):void
Returns the meta data for a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The element name. |
public attachment($data = null, $mimeType = "application/octet-stream"):void
Method to get or set the object's attachment. Overrides any existing attachment is setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
If a string it is assumed to be the contents of the attachment. If an array copy its values across. |
The MIME type of the attachment that will be used in the request. Defaults to application/octet-stream. |
public hasAttachment():bool
Helper method to check if an object has an attachment.
public toArray():array
Helper method that returns an associative array of the object's properties and values.
public search($expression):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
A valid JMESPath expression |
public setValues($class, $values = []):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the class the properties belong to. |
Associative array of property names and their values. |
The service for repeatable type.
public __construct($class, $property, $expectedType):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the class that the property is a member of. |
The name of the property that acts like an array. |
The type that values assigned to the array should be. |
public offsetExists($offset):bool
Determines if the offset exists in the array.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The array index to check. |
public offsetGet($offset):void
Returns the value of the given offset.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The array index. |
public offsetSet($offset, $value):void
Sets a value for the given offset.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The array index or null to add the value to the end of the array. |
The value to add. |
public offsetUnset($offset):void
Unsets the value of the given offset.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The array index. |
public count():int
public current():void
public key():int
public next():void
Move onto the next array index.
public rewind():void
Reset the array index to the start of the array.
public valid():bool
The service for string type.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
xmlNamespaces |
requestXmlRootElementNames |
public __construct($values = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Optional properties and values to assign to the object. |
public static getParentValues($properties, $values):array
Helper function to remove the properties and values that belong to a object's parent.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public __get($name):void
PHP magic function that is called when getting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __set($name, $value):void
PHP magic function that is called when setting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
Value assigned to the property. |
public __isset($name):bool
PHP magic function that is called to determine if a property is set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __unset($name):void
PHP magic function that is called to unset a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public toRequestXml():string
Converts the object to a XML request string.
public elementMeta($elementName):void
Returns the meta data for a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The element name. |
public attachment($data = null, $mimeType = "application/octet-stream"):void
Method to get or set the object's attachment. Overrides any existing attachment is setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
If a string it is assumed to be the contents of the attachment. If an array copy its values across. |
The MIME type of the attachment that will be used in the request. Defaults to application/octet-stream. |
public hasAttachment():bool
Helper method to check if an object has an attachment.
public toArray():array
Helper method that returns an associative array of the object's properties and values.
public search($expression):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
A valid JMESPath expression |
public setValues($class, $values = []):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the class the properties belong to. |
Associative array of property names and their values. |
The service for token type.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
xmlNamespaces |
requestXmlRootElementNames |
public __construct($values = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Optional properties and values to assign to the object. |
public static getParentValues($properties, $values):array
Helper function to remove the properties and values that belong to a object's parent.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public __get($name):void
PHP magic function that is called when getting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __set($name, $value):void
PHP magic function that is called when setting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
Value assigned to the property. |
public __isset($name):bool
PHP magic function that is called to determine if a property is set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __unset($name):void
PHP magic function that is called to unset a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public toRequestXml():string
Converts the object to a XML request string.
public elementMeta($elementName):void
Returns the meta data for a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The element name. |
public attachment($data = null, $mimeType = "application/octet-stream"):void
Method to get or set the object's attachment. Overrides any existing attachment is setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
If a string it is assumed to be the contents of the attachment. If an array copy its values across. |
The MIME type of the attachment that will be used in the request. Defaults to application/octet-stream. |
public hasAttachment():bool
Helper method to check if an object has an attachment.
public toArray():array
Helper method that returns an associative array of the object's properties and values.
public search($expression):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
A valid JMESPath expression |
public setValues($class, $values = []):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the class the properties belong to. |
Associative array of property names and their values. |
The service for uri type.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
xmlNamespaces |
requestXmlRootElementNames |
public __construct($values = []):void
Name |
Type |
Description |
Optional properties and values to assign to the object. |
public static getParentValues($properties, $values):array
Helper function to remove the properties and values that belong to a object's parent.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public __get($name):void
PHP magic function that is called when getting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __set($name, $value):void
PHP magic function that is called when setting a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
Value assigned to the property. |
public __isset($name):bool
PHP magic function that is called to determine if a property is set.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public __unset($name):void
PHP magic function that is called to unset a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The property name. |
public toRequestXml():string
Converts the object to a XML request string.
public elementMeta($elementName):void
Returns the meta data for a property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The element name. |
public attachment($data = null, $mimeType = "application/octet-stream"):void
Method to get or set the object's attachment. Overrides any existing attachment is setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
If a string it is assumed to be the contents of the attachment. If an array copy its values across. |
The MIME type of the attachment that will be used in the request. Defaults to application/octet-stream. |
public hasAttachment():bool
Helper method to check if an object has an attachment.
public toArray():array
Helper method that returns an associative array of the object's properties and values.
public search($expression):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
A valid JMESPath expression |
public setValues($class, $values = []):void
Assign multiple values to an object.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The name of the class the properties belong to. |
Associative array of property names and their values. |
The contract for the Ebay category repository.
public get($id, $filters = [], $with = []):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\Category\Models\Category
Return type: Category
Get category
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the category. |
The filters that could be applied: 'marketplaceId'. |
The relations that should be loaded: 'path' |
public all($filters = [], $with = []):array
List all categories
Name |
Type |
Description |
Categories can be filtered by ID and marketplace ID. The filters that could be applied: 'marketplaceId', 'categoryId'. |
The relations that should be loaded: 'path' |
The category model
Name | Type | Description |
id |
The ID of the category. |
parentId |
The parent category ID. |
name |
The name of the category. |
isLeaf |
Tells if the category is leaf. |
children |
Child categories. |
path |
The category path. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The contract for the Ebay category repository.
public all($filters = []):array
List item specifics.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The filters that could be applied: 'categoryId', 'marketplaceId'. |
The eBay item specific model.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
A recommended Item Specific name. |
minValues |
Minimum number of values that you can specify for this Item Specific. |
maxValues |
Maximum number of values that you can specify for this Item Specific. |
selectionMode |
Controls whether you can specify your own name and value in listing requests, or if you need to use a name and/or value that eBay has defined. |
valueType |
The data type (e.g., date) that eBay expects the value to adhere to in listing requests. Only returned if the data type is not Text. In some cases, more details about the data type are returned in the |
valueFormat |
The format of the data type (e.g., date format) that eBay expects the item specific’s value to adhere to in listing requests. A data type identified by the |
helpText |
Help-text defines the purpose of the Item Specific. The help text will be shown only when it is available for the particular Item Specific. |
helpUrl |
A page on the eBay Web site with context-specific help tips that provide useful information about this Item Specific. Only returned when an applicable page is available in the system. |
variationPicture |
Indicates whether the name (e.g., Color) can (or must) be used to classify the variation pictures |
variationSpecifics |
Indicates whether the recommended name/value pair can be used as variation attributes in a fixed-price listing call. For example, a given category could disable a name like Brand in variation specifics (if Brand is only allowed in the item specifics at the Item level). The same category could enable a name like Size for variation specifics (in addition to recommending it for item specifics). If not returned, then the name/value can be used for both variation specifics and item specifics. |
values |
The available values. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The contract for the Ebay marketplace repository.
public all($filters = []):array
Get the list of all available eBay marketplaces.
Name |
Type |
Description |
You can pass multiple filters to search only custom marketplaces. Available filters: |
public allEbay($filters = []):array
Get the list of all available eBay marketplaces.
Name |
Type |
Description |
You can pass multiple filters to search only custom marketplaces. Available filters: |
Helper class that allows getting information about an eBay marketplace more easily.
public get($filters):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\Marketplace\Models\Marketplace
Return type: Marketplace
Get marketplace data model based on filters.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getMarketplaceId($filters):string
Get the marketplace ID based on given filters. Possible filters: marketplaceId
, referrerId
, marketId
, siteId
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getMarketplaceIdForRest($filters):string
Get the marketplace ID based on given filters. Possible filters: marketplaceId
, referrerId
, marketId
, siteId
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getMarketplaceIds():array
Get all available marketplace IDs.
public getReferrerId($filters):string
Get the referrer ID based on given filters. Possible filters: marketplaceId
, referrerId
, marketId
, siteId
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getReferrerIds():array
Get all available referrer IDs.
public getSiteId($filters):string
Get the site ID based on given filters. Possible filters: marketplaceId
, referrerId
, marketId
, siteId
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getSiteIds():array
Get all available site IDs.
public getMarketId($filters):string
Get the market ID based on given filters. Possible filters: marketplaceId
, referrerId
, marketId
, siteId
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getMarketIdForRest($filters):string
Get the market ID based on given filters. Possible filters: marketplaceId
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getMarketIds():array
Get all available market IDs.
public getCurrency($filters):string
Get the currency based on given filters. Possible filters: marketplaceId
, referrerId
, marketId
, siteId
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getCurrencyForRest($filters):string
Get the currency based on given filters. Possible filters: marketplaceId
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getShortcut($filters):string
Get the shortcut based on given filters. Possible filters: marketplaceId
, referrerId
, marketId
, siteId
Name |
Type |
Description |
The eBay marketplace model.
Name | Type | Description |
siteId |
The ID of the site exactly as eBay specifies it in the docs. This value is/was used in the old eBay SOAP APIs |
marketplaceId |
The ID of the marketplace exactly as eBay specifies it in the docs. This value is used in the new eBay REST APIs. Eg. |
marketId |
System-Listing wide internal ID for the listing marketplace. This id occurs only in correlation with the listing DB tables. |
referrerId |
System wide internal ID for the marketplace. Use this instead of |
shortcut |
The marketplace shortcut name. |
currency |
The currency used for the marketplace |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The contract for the fitment item property repository.
public find($id):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\PartsFitment\Models\FitmentItemProperty
Return type: FitmentItemProperty
Returns a fitment item property by an ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the fitment item property that should be found. |
public create($data, $id):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\PartsFitment\Models\FitmentItemProperty
Return type: FitmentItemProperty
Creates a new fitment item property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The fitment item property data as associative array. |
The fitment item ID that the current property should belong to. |
public update($data, $id):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\PartsFitment\Models\FitmentItem
Return type: FitmentItem
Updates an existing fitment item property.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The fitment item property data to update as associative array. |
The ID of the fitment item property that should be updated. |
public delete($id):bool
Deletes a fitment item property. Returns true
if the deletion was successful, otherwise false
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the fitment item property that should be deleted. |
The contract for the fitment item repository.
public find($id):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\PartsFitment\Models\FitmentItem
Return type: FitmentItem
Returns a fitment item by an ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The id of the fitment item that should be found. |
public create($data, $id):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\PartsFitment\Models\FitmentItem
Return type: FitmentItem
Creates a new fitment item.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The fitment item data as associative array. |
The ID of the fitment that the current fitment item belongs to. |
public update($data, $id):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\PartsFitment\Models\FitmentItem
Return type: FitmentItem
Updates an existing fitment item.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The fitment item data to update as associative array. |
The ID of the fitment item that should be updated. |
public delete($id):bool
Deletes a fitment item. Returns true
if the deletion was successful, otherwise false
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the fitment item that should be deleted. |
The contract for the fitment repository.
public find($id, $with = []):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\PartsFitment\Models\Fitment
Return type: Fitment
Returns a fitment by an ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the fitment that should be found. |
The relations to load in the Fitment instance. The relations available are 'items', ''. |
public create($data):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\PartsFitment\Models\Fitment
Return type: Fitment
Creates a new fitment.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The fitment data as associative array. |
public update($data, $id):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\PartsFitment\Models\Fitment
Return type: Fitment
Updates an existing fitment.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The fitment data to update as associative array. |
The ID of the fitment that should be updated. |
public delete($id):Plenty\Repositories\Models\DeleteResponse
Return type: DeleteResponse
Deletes a fitment. Returns true
if the deletion was successful, otherwise false
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the fitment that should be deleted. |
public search($page = 1, $itemsPerPage = 50, $with = [], $filters = []):array
Search fitments
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default page that will be returned is page 1. |
The number of entries to be displayed per page. The default number of entries per page is 50. |
The relations to load in the Fitment instance. The relations available are 'items', ''. |
The filters that could be applied: 'id', 'categoryId', 'marketId', 'name', 'property', 'propertyName', 'propertyValue'. |
public clearCriteria():void
Resets all Criteria filters by creating a new instance of the builder object.
public applyCriteriaFromFilters():void
Applies criteria classes to the current repository.
public setFilters($filters = []):void
Sets the filter array.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getFilters():void
Returns the filter array.
public getConditions():void
Returns a collection of parsed filters as Condition object
public clearFilters():void
Clears the filter array.
The fitment model. This can contain multiple FitmentItems models.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
The id of the fitment. |
marketId |
The id of the market the fitment belongs to. |
name |
The name of the fitment. |
categoryId |
The id of the category the fitment belongs to. |
items |
The list of the items that belong to the fitment. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The fitment item model. This belongs to one fitment model and can contain multiple FitmentItemProperty models.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
The id of the item that belongs to the fitment. |
fitmentId |
The id of the fitment. |
fitment |
The fitment this fitment item belongs to. |
properties |
A collection of this fitment item properties. Available names are 'Make', 'Model', 'Platform', 'Type', 'Production Period', 'Engine', 'FitmentComments', 'KType'. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The fitment item property model. This bleongs to an FitmentItem model.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
The ID of the fitment item property. |
fitmentItemId |
The ID that the fitment item this property belongs to. |
name |
The name of the property |
value |
The value of the property. |
fitmentItem |
The fitment item this property belongs to. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The contract for the eBay shop categories.
public all($credentialsId, $viewType = "list"):array
Returns a fitment by an ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The credentials ID for whom we want to load the eBay shop categories. |
How should the eBay shop categories be returned. Possible values: 'list' or 'tree'. Default is 'list'. |
The contract for the ebay transaction repository.
public get($id):Plenty\Modules\Market\Ebay\Transaction\Models\Transaction
Return type: Transaction
Gets a transaction.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The ID of the ebay transaction. |
public search($page = 1, $itemsPerPage = 50, $filters = []):array
Search ebay transactions
Name |
Type |
Description |
The default page that will be returned is page 1. |
The number of entries to be displayed per page. The default number of entries per page is 50. |
The filters that could be applied: 'orderId', 'externalOrderId'. |
public setFilters($filters = []):void
Sets the filter array.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getFilters():void
Returns the filter array.
public getConditions():void
Returns a collection of parsed filters as Condition object
public clearFilters():void
Clears the filter array.
public clearCriteria():void
Resets all Criteria filters by creating a new instance of the builder object.
public applyCriteriaFromFilters():void
Applies criteria classes to the current repository.
The ebay transaction model.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
The ID of the transaction. |
orderId |
The ID of the plentymarkets order. |
market |
The market. Possible values are: 'ebay', 'hood', 'ricardo' |
externalListingId |
The ID of the external listing. |
credentialsId |
The ID of the credentials. |
buyerUserId |
The ID of the ebay buyer. |
feedback |
The feedback. |
transactionId |
The ID of the ebay transaction. |
endTime |
The date that the item was bought. |
quantity |
The purchased quantity. |
title |
The title of the purchased item. |
price |
The price of the transaction. |
shippingAddressCountry |
The shipping address country. |
referrerId |
The ID of the order referrer. |
createdAt |
The date that the transaction was created. |
notification |
Flag that indicates if the transaction import was by notification. |
orderRowId |
The ID of the order row. |
sku |
The SKU. |
lastUpdate |
The date that the transaction was last updated. |
externalOrderId |
The ID of the external order. |
externalReferenceNo |
The external reference number. |
cancelId |
The ID of the cancellation. |
isEbayPlus |
The transaction is ebay plus. Possible values are: 'YES', 'NO'. |
isClickAndCollect |
The transaction is click and collect. Possible values are: 'YES', 'NO'. |
extendedOrderId |
The extended order ID of eBay. |
importStatus |
The current status of the order. Possible values are: 'NEW', 'IN_PROGRESS' and 'DONE'. Default is 'NEW'. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
The contract for the market account helper repository.
public listMarketAccounts($marketId):array
List market accounts
Name |
Type |
Description |
The contract for the market attribute helper repository.
public getAttributeName($id, $lang):string
Returns the attribute name for the given attribute id
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getAttributeValueName($attributeId, $valueId, $lang):string
Returns the attribute value name for the given attribute value id
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getAttributeNames($record, $lang = "de", $delimiter = ","):string
Returns all attribute names for the given language as a string delimited by the given delimiter.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getAttributeValueSetShortFrontendName($record, $lang = "de", $delimiter = ", ", $attributeNameCombination = []):string
Returns the attribute value set short frontend name. Ex.: blue, XL
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getAttributeNameAndValueCombination($attributeNames, $attributeValues, $delimiter = ","):string
Returns the combination of attribute names with their attribute values.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getVariationNameAndAttributeNameAndValueCombination($record, $lang):string
Returns the name for a variation with all attribute names and attribute values. Ex.: T-Shirt (Size: L, Color: red)
Name |
Type |
Description |
The contract for the market category helper repository.
The contract for the item helper repository.
public getExternalManufacturerName($manufacturerId):string
Get the external manufacturer name.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public generateSku($variationId, $marketId, $accountId, $setLastExportedTimestamp):string
Generates or updates the sku
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getAvailability($availabilityId, $lang, $returnAvailabilityName):string
Returns the availability name or the availability average days
Name |
Type |
Description |
Use this interface to store and retrieve market specific settings.
public search($filters = [], $page, $itemsPerPage = \Plenty\Modules\Market\Settings\Models\Settings::MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE):Plenty\Repositories\Models\PaginatedResult
Return type: PaginatedResult
List settings.
Name |
Type |
Description |
Settings can be filtered by ID, marketplace ID. |
Current page of the response. |
The requested amount of settings per result page. |
public create($marketplaceId, $type, $settings):Plenty\Modules\Market\Settings\Models\Settings
Return type: Settings
Create market settings.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The marketplace ID that the settings belong to |
The type of settings. Possible values: shipping, attribute, category, property. |
The settings that will be saved. |
public update($settingsData, $id):void
Update one market settings entry.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public get($id):Plenty\Modules\Market\Settings\Models\Settings
Return type: Settings
Return the settings for a given settings ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The settings id. |
public find($marketplaceId, $type = null):array
Find settings for a given marketplace ID and type.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The marketplace id for which to retrieve the settings |
The typo of settings that should be searched for. Possible values: shipping, attribute, category, property. |
public delete($id):bool
Delete a setting.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public deleteAll($marketplaceId, $type):void
Delete all settings for a given type and marketplace ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public clearCriteria():void
Resets all Criteria filters by creating a new instance of the builder object.
public applyCriteriaFromFilters():void
Applies criteria classes to the current repository.
Factory that allows to store correlation between market settings and plentymarkets settings.
public type($type):Plenty\Modules\Market\Settings\Factories\SettingsCorrelationFactory
Return type: SettingsCorrelationFactory
Set here the type of relation that should be created.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The relation type. Possible values: shipping, attribute, category, property |
public createRelation($settingsId, $correlationId):void
Use this method to create a relation of the chosen type.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The id of the market settings we want to create the relation for. |
The id of the plentymarkets settings we want to create the relation to. |
public createRelationWithParent($settingsId, $correlationId, $parentSettingsId):void
Use this method to create a relation of the chosen type.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The id of the market settings we want to create the relation for. |
The id of the plentymarkets settings we want to create the relation to. |
The id of the parent market settings we want to create the relation to. |
public clear($marketplaceId):void
Clear all relations for a given correlation type.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public all($marketplaceId):array
Get all correlations for a given marketplace ID.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getSettingsByCorrelation($marketplaceId, $correlationId):void
Get a specific settings by marketplace id and correlation id.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getAllSettingsByCorrelation($marketplaceId, $correlationId):void
Get a specific settings by marketplace id and correlation id.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getSettingsByCorrelationAndParent($marketplaceId, $correlationId, $parentSettingsId):void
Get a specific settings by marketplace id and correlation id.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getSettingsByParent($marketplaceId, $parentSettingsId):void
List settings by marketplace id and parent settings id.
Name |
Type |
Description |
public getAllSettingsByCorrelationAndParent($marketplaceId, $correlationId, $parentSettingsId):void
Get a specific settings by marketplace id and correlation id.
Name |
Type |
Description |
The market settings model.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
The ID of the market settings. |
marketplaceId |
The ID of the marketplace. |
type |
The type of the current market settings. Possible values are: attribute, attributeValue, property, category, shipping. |
settings |
The market settings for the current marketplace. |
category |
The category that these market settings are related to. |
parcelServicePreset |
The parcel service preset that these market settings are related to. |
attribute |
The attribute that these market settings are related to. |
property |
The property item that these market settings are related to. |
attributeValue |
The attributeValue that these market settings are related to. |
public toArray()
Returns this model as an array.
Event which signals a new ebay order item before its creation.
public getData():void
public getWarehouseId():void
public setWarehouseId($warehouseId):void
Name |
Type |
Description |